Executive Appointments
Rosehall Board of Directors has elected Ms. Lalaine S.M. Santos as President and COO and Ms. Rosario Halili-Quintos as Vice-Chairman and CEO effective January 1, 2017. [...]
Rosehall Board of Directors has elected Ms. Lalaine S.M. Santos as President and COO and Ms. Rosario Halili-Quintos as Vice-Chairman and CEO effective January 1, 2017. [...]
In its desire to ensure the continuous professional development of its Human Resources, ROSEHALL sent its top Executives back to school. CEO Ms. Rosario Halili-Quintos was [...]
Rosehall President & COO Ms. Lalaine S.M. Santos has completed the 11- month SBEP or Strategic Business Economics Program, a Certificate Course at UA&P under company [...]
WE WALK THE TALK! WE ARE NOW AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY. Rosehall Management Consultants, Inc. is the first ISO 9001:2015 certified training and consulting firm [...]
FIRST ROSEHALL ISO 9001:2015 client is now certified! The first client of Rosehall on ISO 9001:2015, NWPC or National Wages and Productivity Commission under Department of Labor and [...]
The Final Draft of ISO 9001:2015 has been published. The final standard is expected to be released on September 15, 2015. Changes in the clauses can [...]
This course was introduced by Rosehall consultants in 1996 and was very well-attended. A repeat of the course was done in 2003. Due to some client [...]