
Executive Appointments

Rosehall Board of Directors has elected Ms. Lalaine S.M. Santos as President and COO and Ms. Rosario Halili-Quintos as Vice-Chairman and CEO effective January 1, 2017. [...]

Back to School for ROSEHALL Executives

In its desire to ensure the continuous professional development of its Human Resources, ROSEHALL sent its top Executives back to school. CEO Ms. Rosario Halili-Quintos was [...]

ROSEHALL President & COO completes SBEP Program at UA&P

Rosehall President & COO Ms. Lalaine S.M. Santos has completed the 11- month SBEP or Strategic Business Economics Program, a Certificate Course at UA&P under company [...]

ROSEHALL, the first consulting and training company to be certified to ISO 9001:2015 standard

WE WALK THE TALK! WE ARE NOW AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY. Rosehall Management Consultants, Inc. is the first ISO 9001:2015 certified training and consulting firm [...]

First ISO 9001:2015 Certified client of ROSEHALL

FIRST ROSEHALL ISO 9001:2015 client is now certified! The first client of Rosehall on ISO 9001:2015, NWPC or National Wages and Productivity Commission under Department of Labor and [...]

ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015 Correlation Matrix

The Final Draft of ISO 9001:2015 has been published. The final standard is expected to be released on September 15, 2015.  Changes in the clauses can [...]

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