ROSEHALL Management Consultants, Inc. (ROSEHALL) provides consulting and training services on Total Quality Management (TQM), the establishment of Management Systems for certification to standards like ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System), ISO 27001 (Information Security Management System), ISO 22301 (Business Continuity Management System), ISO 50001 (Energy Management System), Quality and Productivity Improvement and designing or customizing training courses for specific needs of clients.
ROSEHALL’s shareholders, directors, and consultants were brought together by the common mission of contributing to the nation’s development and growth by providing consulting services to organizations in their desire for the continuous improvement of their operations and performance.
ROSEHALL is a quality practitioner. It practices TQM and does continuous improvement of its operations through customer satisfaction measurement, benchmarking, kaizen, and reengineering.
BQC, Inc. is an all-Filipino corporation engaged in consulting and training services on general business management, Total Quality Management (TQM), business management tools and approaches in Leadership, Operations, Supply Chain, Human Resources Management, Quality Assurance and Control, Customer service management, customer satisfaction measurement, and Continual improvement management among others.

“ROSEHALL is the most preferred provider of consulting and training needs in the fields of our expertise.”
“We help organizations realize their vision.”
It commits to exceed the requirements of its customers and other relevant interested parties and its internal needs.
To do this, it shall continuously improve the way it does its business in consideration of its strategic directions and its response to the changing business environment.”
- The customer is the reason for our existence.
- QUALITY is key to customer satisfaction. We cannot live without it. It starts with US.
- There is always a better way than the way we do things now. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT means survival.
- By working as a TEAM we achieve more. Rosehall is second family to all of us.
- We COMMUNICATE openly with each other – about anything that will make us better persons and a better organization.
- We adhere to the Consultants’ Universal CODE ETHICS that signifies voluntary assumption of self-discipline above and beyond the requirements of law.
- We are RESOURCEFUL. No problem can deter us from meeting our targets.
- We are CONSCIENTIOUS. We choose to do the right things even without supervision.
- We are DISCIPLINED. We do what should be done even when it is sometimes difficult.
- We drive ourselves to EXCELLENCE.
All Consultants and staff (collectively called members) of Rosehall share a devotion to high professional standards and best practices. This is made concrete by the fact that every member of the organization, at every level must agree to abide by this stringent this Code of Professional Conduct. This Code of Professional Conduct supplements the universal “Code of Ethics” which is adopted from the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes
To succeed as a consultant your clients must believe in you, and trust that you are working in their best interest.
In a profession where there are often few guideposts, membership in the Rosehall organization, couples with this Code, serves as a benchmark for the client community to aid them in sourcing the best consulting talent. Rosehall’s very public establishment and promotion of the Code sets you apart from non-Rosehall members and aids you in building a professional relationship with your clients founded on trust.
The purpose of this code is to identify those professional obligations that serve to protect the public in general, and the client in particular. The code is also designed to identify clearly the expectations of members with respect to other members and the profession. This Code of Conduct reinforces the consultant’s Universal Code of Ethics adopted by Rosehall.
”Rosehall” is Rosehall Management Consultants, Inc.
“Management” is the Management of Rosehall Management Consultants, Inc.
“Member” is any employee, staff, consultant or affiliated individual in good standing with Rosehall Management Consultants, Inc.
A member shall keep informed of the applicable Code of Professional Conduct and the profession’s Common Body of Knowledge. A member shall strive to keep current with developments in any area of the profession where specific expertise is claimed.
A member shall recognize that the self-disciplinary nature of the profession is a privilege and that the member has a responsibility to merit retention of this privilege. Therefore, a member shall report to Management unbecoming professional conduct by another member.
A member shall ensure that other management consultants carrying out work on the member’s behalf are conversant with, and abide by, the applicable Code of Professional Conduct.
A member shall behave in a manner that maintains the good reputation of the profession and its ability to serve the public interest.
A member shall avoid activities that adversely affect the quality of that member’s professional advice.
A member may not carry on business that clearly detracts from the member’s professional status.
A member shall adhere to the Rosehall Values. A member shall always maintain “Righteous Values”.
A member who has been requested to review critically the work of another member shall inform that member before undertaking the work.
A member shall act in the best interest of the client, providing professional services with integrity, objectivity, and independence.
A member shall not encourage unrealistic client expectations.
A member shall not adopt any method of obtaining business that detracts from the professional image of Rosehall or its members.
A member shall accept only those assignments that the member has the knowledge and skill to perform.
A member and management shall, before accepting an assignment, reach a mutual understanding with the client as to the assignment objectives, scope, work plan, and costs.
Management shall establish fee arrangements with a client in advance of any substantive work and shall inform all relevant parties when such
arrangements may impair or may be seen to impair the objectivity or independence of the member.
A member shall not enter into fee arrangements that have the potential to compromise the member’s integrity or the quality of services rendered.
A member shall avoid acting simultaneously for two or more clients in potentially conflicting situations without informing all parties in
advance and securing their agreement to the arrangement.
A member shall inform a client of any interest that may impair or may be seen to impair professional judgment.
A member shall not take advantage of a client relationship by encouraging, unless by way of an advertisement, an employee of that client to consider alternate employment without prior discussion with the client. A member shall not entertain invitation from the client to undertake activities beyond what is contracted. Likewise, a member may not entertain invitation to work for him (client).
A member shall always treat all client information as confidential.
A member shall refrain from serving a client under terms or conditions that impair independence and a member shall reserve the right to withdraw from the assignment if such becomes the case.
A member shall not terminate an engagement with a client with the expressed consent of both the client and management.
A member shall act in accordance with the applicable legislation and laws.
A member shall make representation on behalf of Rosehall only when authorized.
A member shall be liable for disciplinary action where that member has behaved in a manner unbecoming to the profession.
- We will serve our clients with integrity, competence and objectivity.
- We will keep client information and records of client engagements confidential and will use proprietary client Information only with the client’s permission.
- We will not take advantage of confidential client information for ourselves or our firms.
- We will not allow conflicts of interest, which provide a competitive advantage to one client through our use of confidential information from another client who is a direct competitor without the competitor’s permission.
- We will accept only engagements for which we are qualified by our experience and competence.
- We will assign staff to client engagements in accord with their experience, knowledge and expertise.
- We will immediately acknowledge any influences on our objectivity to our clients and will offer to withdraw from a consulting engagement when our objectivity or integrity may be impaired.
- We will agree independently and in advance on the basis for our fees and expenses and will charge fees and expenses that are reasonable, legitimate and commensurate with the services we deliver and the responsibility we accept.
- We will disclose to our clients in advance any fees or commissions that we will receive for equipment supplies or services we recommend to our clients.
- We will respect the intellectual property rights of our clients other consulting firms and sole practitioners and will not use proprietary information or methodologies without permission.
- We will not advertise our services in a deceptive manner and will not misrepresent the consulting profession, consulting firms or sole practitioners.
- We will report violations of this Code of Ethics.
Note: This code is adopted from the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes.
ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System)
FSSC 22000 (Food Safety Certification)
ISO 22000:2018 Standard (Food Safety Management System & HACCP)
ISO 14001:2015 Standard (Environmental Management System)
ISO 55001:2014 Standard (Asset Management System)
ISO 22301:2019 Standard (Business Continuity Management System)
FSSC 22000 (Food Safety Certification)
ISO 45001:2018 Standard (Health & Safety Management System)
ISO 27001:2022 Standard (Information Security Management System)
IATF 16949:2016 Standard (Automotive Quality Management System Standard)
ISO 21001:2018 Standard (Educational Organization Management System)